Confused about Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning? This beginner-friendly guide explains the difference, when to use each, and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Greshma shaji
5 min readJust now


So, you’ve heard of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), and you’re wondering, “What on Earth is the difference, and why should I care?” Well, you’re in luck because today, we’re starting from square one to understand these two key technologies.

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

At its core, Machine Learning is about turning data into numbers and finding patterns from those numbers. Sounds fancy, right? But think of it like this: imagine you have a huge pile of data, and your job is to pick out useful insights from it. Without ML, it would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack… while blindfolded… in the middle of a thunderstorm. But with ML? The algorithm does all the hard work for you.

Think of it like teaching a toddler to sort Legos:

  • Step 1: Show them 100 red Legos and 100 blue Legos.
  • Step 2: Let them guess which pile the next Lego belongs to.
  • Step 3: Yell “NO, THAT’S CERULEAN, NOT BLUE!” until they get it right.

Replace “toddler” with “algorithm” and “Legos” with “data,” and you’ve got ML.

Why Use Machine Learning (or Deep Learning)?

If you’re building a simple rule-based system (like the ones we used to build in school — “If it’s raining, carry an umbrella”), you don’t need ML. The rules are straightforward, and no algorithms are required.

But when things get a bit more complicated, that’s when ML and Deep Learning become your best friends.

So, when should you use ML/DL?

  • When you have problems with a long list of rules: Imagine writing rules to detect spam emails. You’d need a lot of them! Machine learning can do it better by learning patterns from your emails without the need to manually define every possible rule.
  • When you’re dealing with continually changing environments: Things like stock prices, website traffic, or trends on social media change all the time. You don’t want to be stuck writing new rules every time something changes, do you? ML adapts!
  • When you want to discover insights from large collections of data: Trying to find trends in millions of rows of data? That’s where ML can help you spot patterns that you might otherwise miss.

When NOT to Use Machine Learning

ML and DL are powerful, but they aren’t magic. There are certain situations where they might not be your best option:

  • When you need explainability: ML algorithms, especially deep learning models, are often like that one friend who talks a lot but never answers your questions directly. They work, but explaining how they got to their conclusion is sometimes a mystery.
  • When the traditional approach is better: If your problem is well-defined and rule-based, don’t overcomplicate it with machine learning. Some problems are just easier to solve with straightforward approaches like simple logic.
  • When errors are unacceptable: Imagine relying on ML to predict something critical, like medical diagnoses, and then it gives a wrong answer. Yeah, not ideal. Sometimes, traditional approaches are better when you need absolute reliability.
  • When you don’t have much data: Machine learning needs data to learn. So, if you’re working with just a handful of examples, it may not be worth the effort to use ML or DL.

ML vs. DL — What’s the Difference?

Now, let’s take a look at the key differences between Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). Ready? Here we go:

Machine Learning (ML)

  • Typically works with structured data (think of a nice tidy Excel sheet).

Examples of ML algorithms include:

  • XGBoost (which sounds like a cool futuristic car, but it’s actually a powerful algorithm for structured data)
  • Random Forest (yes, it’s a forest, not a literal forest. It’s about decision trees — think of it like a decision-making treehouse)
  • Support Vector Machines (no, it’s not about how to organize your cabinets, but kind of like that — classifying data into categories).

Deep Learning (DL)

  • Works with unstructured data (think of things like text, images, and videos).
  • It’s all about Neural Networks, where computers try to mimic the brain (kind of like your brain, but more silicon-based).

Examples include:

  • Fully Connected Networks (lots of connections, like the social network of neurons in your brain)
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) (specialized for image recognition, like spotting a cat in a picture — even though all cats look the same, right?)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) (good for handling sequences of data, like predicting what comes next in a sentence, or what song you’ll listen to next)
  • Transformers (yep, just like the robots, but these are for understanding and generating human language).
Here’s a quick rundown of when to use ML vs. DL. Both are powerful, but each has its strengths

Practical Example Time

Let’s get practical! Imagine you’re working on a project to classify images of animals as either “cats” or “dogs.” Here’s how ML and DL would differ in this case:

  • ML Approach: You’d have to handcraft rules like “if the image has whiskers and pointy ears, it’s a cat.” Yikes! Not very scalable, right?
  • DL Approach: Instead of defining rules, you let the algorithm look at thousands of images, and it learns to identify the subtle differences between cats and dogs on its own. Neural networks do the heavy lifting here, and you don’t have to worry about whiskers or pointy ears.


So, now you know a bit more about Machine Learning and Deep Learning and when to use them. Remember:

  • ML is great for structured data and when you have predefined rules.
  • DL excels with unstructured data and tasks where the rules are too complex to define manually.

And no matter which one you choose, you’re diving into a world where machines learn from data — kind of like teaching your pet how to fetch the ball, except the pet might be smarter than you expect!

Stay tuned for more in the series as we dive deeper into PyTorch and how to build real-world models with it. Let’s make some deep learning magic happen!



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